Écris en anglais sous forme de tirets les compétences d'une assistante en hémodialyse 

- Knowledge of hemodialysis procedures and equipment

- Ability to monitor and assess patient vital signs

- Ability to operate and maintain dialysis machines

- Knowledge of infection control protocols

- Ability to administer medication and document treatment

Strong communication and interpersonal skills

- Ability to provide patient education and support

- Ability to work collaboratively with healthcare team members

- Strong attention to detail and ability to document accurately

- Ability to handle emergency situations and make quick decisions.

 compétences d'une assistante en chimiothérapie 

- Knowledge of chemotherapy administration protocols and procedures

- Ability to prepare and administer chemotherapy medications.

- Knowledge of side effects and management of chemotherapy

Strong communication and interpersonal skills

- Ability to provide patient education and support

- Ability to work collaboratively with healthcare team members

- Strong attention to detail and ability to document accurately

- Ability to monitor and assess patient vital signs

- Ability to recognize and report adverse reactions

- Ability to handle emergency situations and make quick decisions

- Knowledge of infection control protocols

- Knowledge of patient’s medical history and medications.

Les compétences d'une assistante médicale physique 

- Knowledge of physical therapy procedures and techniques

- Ability to assess and evaluate patients' physical abilities and limitations

- Ability to develop and implement treatment plans

- Strong communication and interpersonal skills

- Ability to provide patient education and support

- Ability to work collaboratively with healthcare team members

- Strong attention to detail and ability to document accurately

- Ability to monitor and assess patient progress

- Knowledge of exercise physiology and kinesiology

- Knowledge of anatomy and physiology

- Ability to adapt treatment plans to patients' individual needs

- Ability to handle emergency situations and make quick decisions

- Knowledge of safety measures and infection control protocols

- Knowledge of equipment and assistive devices used in physical therapy.


2008-2010 Bizerte, Tunisia

Address: Manze Borguiba, Bizerte, Tunisia

2006-2007 Bizerte, Tunisia

Certified nursing assistant diploma from Bizerte Health School

Baccalaureate level in Science from Bizerte High School

Address: Bizerte, Tunisia

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