إنتداب في سفارة هولندا بتونس , شهرية محترمة بين 3.151 و 4.726 د


This year, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tunis (the embassy) started the implementation
of its multi-annual strategic plan (2019 -2022). The strategy has been developed in the perspective of the
ambition to intensify Dutch cooperation with Tunisia. The priority areas of the Netherlands in Tunisia are:
democratization, security, migration, and private sector development (aimed at job creation).
Currently, the embassy is recruiting a locally contracted Senior Project Assistant (PA). The PA will report directly
to the Policy Officer for Security & Rule of Law and the Policy Officer for Private Sector Development, who are
both responsible for the implementation of their programmes. The focus areas for the PA will be: private sector
development (aimed at job creation), democratization, rule of law, security, and human rights.
Responsibilities and tasks.
The PA will have a wide variety of tasks, including:
- Preparing, organizing, and reporting on meetings;
- pro-actively searching for potential partners and promising projects;
- assessing project proposals and advising on their suitability;
- assisting in monitoring and evaluation of the projects; representing the embassy at relevant
events and project activities;
- carrying out the required administrative tasks related to the projects, approval, monitoring and
closing procedures (drafting internal approval documents, contracts, amendments, etc.).
- Developing and maintaining a network of relevant contacts, both in Tunisia (public & private
sector, civil society, international organisations, etc.) and in the Netherlands;
- Contributing to the visibility of the Netherlands in Tunisia, through creating online social media
content related to the programmes;
- Assisting in the organisation of relevant meetings and events in the different focus fields.
Several ad hoc tasks, including (but not limited to): writing speeches, (co-)organizing and
supporting incoming visits, drafting official Notes, and other correspondence.

- University degree in a relevant field
- Minimum 3 years of relevant working experience, (experience in an international environment is an
- Knowledge of the political, economic and social context and developments in Tunisia
- Proficient in spoken and written French, Arabic, and English
- Good analytical and writing skills
- Strong networking skills
- Pro-active, pragmatic and result driven attitude
- Flexibility and willingness to carry out tasks ranging from administrative to analytical
- Team player with the ability to work independently when necessary
The embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tunis represents the interests of the Netherlands in Tunisia.
The embassy is situated in Cité el Mahrajane, close to the centre of Tunis. Due to an increased focus of the
Dutch foreign policy on Tunisia, the Embassy will grow substantially in the course of 2019 with nine new staff
members. The embassy applies the ?One Team? approach. This means an atmosphere of trust, transparency
and cooperation amongst all staff members. Each staff member, local and expatriate, is valued for taking on
responsibility, initiative and a willingness to show flexibility in order to guarantee a high quality of output of our
work. The embassy works closely together with colleagues of the ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Netherlands.
The successful candidate is an energetic, social, proactive person with good organisational skills and political
insight and antenna. She/he must demonstrate sufficient initiative and a flexible attitude given the broad
spectrum of tasks. He/she must be able to cope with stressful situations and be able to work independently.
Work experience in an international environment is recommended.
Please send your CV and (English) motivation letter, in which you explain why you are the best candidate for
the job, to tun-recruitment@minbuza.nl
(+216) 71 155 315
The gross monthly salary for a 38-hour workweek can range between 3.151 DNT and 4.726 DNT per month,
depending on experience.

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